Une sélection d’articles issus du colloque conjoint organisé en novembre 2018 par l’Université de Paris 13 et l’université de Pondichéry sur les communs a été publiée par l’éditeur SAGE en anglais avec le titre Global Commons.
Avec les contributions de Didier GUEVEL, Julien CAZALA, Catherine FABREGOULE, Jean-Jacques MENURET et Geetha GANAPATHY-DORE
Sous la direction du Prof. Baskaran Mohanan Pillai (professeur invité la faculté de Droit en 2017) et Geetha Ganapathy-Doré.
La version kindle est disponible immédiatement sur la plateforme amazon.
Global Commons: Issues, Concerns and Strategies presents a comprehensive international perspective on the global commons—natural resource domains that are not subject to national jurisdictions and are accessible to all nations. These include the oceans, atmosphere and outer space, and specific locations such as Antarctica. Due to their critical importance in maintaining human lives and livelihoods, and their vulnerability to depletion, the collaborative preservation of the global commons is of great relevance to all human communities. Leading world powers, such as France, are increasingly adopting environmental policies as key to their functioning as democracies. After the Paris Climate Conference, there has been a spurt in cooperation between major nations, such as France and India, in the fight against climate change.
This book provides exhaustive coverage of all the major facets of preservation of the global commons. It will, therefore, prove indispensable to all stakeholders in a new, just and sustainable world order.